Outside time and space (DARE2DOUBT Part 6)
What is our human fascination with things that are not here?
Is not our existence worth saving?
As discussed previously, we live within time and space, unless those curious matrix philosophers are correct. We live within a particular time and space, for just a moment. Does this not increase our momentary value? I would say yes. We are rare and last for a moment. We should cherish that, not kill it.
The things that exist are within that time and space, all of our thoughts, our fears, our faiths, or our disbeliefs. Whatever we want or wish is within that confinement as well, from that romantic love to that new job or house.
Yet, with a god, or a deceased loved one, we like to place them outside of that time and place. The sacred is often safe there. And no one can prove otherwise. It is irrefutable, as comforting as it might seem.
We live very short lives and only conjecture about such things.
But of course, if we conclude that anything that exists is within our own time and space, we might logically conclude that anything outside of that simply does not exist. Be a definition that would be correct. But that does not devalue those things at all. Some of those things, many of them, get us through, and enable us to survive or unite as a tribe, sometimes to our good and often to our detriment.
But we continue to insist on our right to believe as a species, and it's not surprising. We have been engaged in our pursuit of the unknown for a very long time.
But however powerful the arguments are that everything we conclude from our dogmas, or our sacred documents, is nothing more than an imaginative place of hope, we must conclude something else as well. Those that insist that there is no god ( outside of time and space ) simply because of proof from their logic that all religions are false, or those that equally insist that there is absolute, without question or doubt, a knowing god that has our back, are both walking down a problematic road. (In terms of argument) Why? Because we live within this space-time cage.
By definition, the unknown cannot be known, until it is...and then it is known.
We can invent anything we wish. We can find comfort, a heaven for our friends, or a hell for our enemies. We can invent anything at all, but we must not forget that our fragile existence, our survival, demands that we cherish our well-being and the well-being of others...in this reality.
Whatever constructs or coping mechanisms we use, even if there is truth in them, perhaps a later or surprising discovery, we need to look at the needs of the survival of our temporary species, as a tribe.
Perhaps we can spend less time killing each other over the whole religion thing, and more time helping one another in the life thing. We are born with these many internal beliefs, and we even marry, divorce, give birth and even die with these beliefs.
Perhaps we can focus on what most unites us...our brief but precious lives.
Perhaps one day, as our science fiction teaches, we can replace the phrase "I love you" with "Can I help?"